Can bad oral hygiene cause health problems?

A joke that is told often in dental practices goes “you don’t have to brush your teeth, only the ones you want to keep” and this usually sticks with clients. Brushing your teeth is important but not the only element in proper oral care. Flossing, using mouth wash, a proper diet, cleaning the tongue and […]

The Illnesses and Medical Conditions that Can Attack Your Oral Health

It’s important to take good care of your smile and oral health, especially if you have a medical condition. This is because medical conditions can attack your oral health and harm your smile. In fact, there are many different medical conditions that can do so, including: –Acid reflux: Acid reflux can attack your smile and oral […]

The Dental Issues to Avoid for a Strong Oral Health

Do you want strong and healthy teeth so you can have a beautiful and functional smile? If so, then it’s important to take good care of your teeth and gums on a regular basis. In order to do so, you need to do all you can to prevent the dental issues that can alter the […]

How Do I Know if I Need Braces?

How do I know if I need braces? You may find yourself asking this very question. Your teeth may feel correct, but chances are, you’ve never had any adjustments to know otherwise. You may need braces if you suffer from any of the following abnormalities: – Deep bite or closed bite: an excessive form of […]

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